Mangaka: Shimaki Ako
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Mature, Mystery, Romance, Shoujo
Volumes: 7 (complete)
Summary: This manga is loosely based on The Tale of Genji/Genji Monogatari (and is a MUST read!). When the Emperor takes a new Empress, she is barely older than the Emperor's son Hikaru. She becomes both the one woman Hikaru loves and the one woman he can never have. And so Hikaru's feelings roam as his body wanders from bed to bed, seeking a replacement for her. When he finds the girl he believes can take her place...he commits a terrible sin. Now, a thousand years later, Hikaru's nightmares become reality as he is punished for past deeds in a new life--the greatest playboy in all of history...shakes like a lamb when any girl touches him!
This manga didn't have it's own topic.. and I believe it's definitely deserving of one. Mainly, because, it's an absolutely fabulous manga. Fabulous artwork, intriquing and unforgetable storyline, and great characters. Everything you could possible want in a manga. Romance, a little smut (well little in my opinion, it may be consider more by others). This is definitely one of my favorite manga. Honestly, I stumbled upon this manga by chance and I'm definitely glad that I did. This is one of those manga that when you read, you think, "I've been missing out on this?!" If you haven't checked this one out, it's definitely one that you should. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT! And if you have read, what did you think of it? Fabulous, wasn't it?
Actually, I love this manga so much and was so intriqued by the storyline that I actually read the book Tale of Genji. I have to say, I like the manga's version a lot better, but the book was still intresting (even though Genji is portrayed as an even bigger sleezebag in the book than in the manga).