Mangaka: Minami Sachi
Volume: 5 (complete)
Genre: Romance, Shoujo, School Life
Summary: "Matsuri Takanose is a first year high school student. Her mother is the board chairman of the school, and Matsuri is under a LOT of pressure to be the perfect student. One day after a grueling meeting in her mother's office at school, Matsuri encounters two boys who treat her differently. One is Takemasa Andou-kun, a smart, quiet guy who is known for keeping to himself and not talking much. The other is Watanuki-kun who is a very cute, outgoing, athletic guy. He and Andou-kun are classmates, but they don't appear to be friends. Later Matsuri happens to find out about her favorite idol pop singer and those two's relationship..."
This is becoming one of my favorites due to its interesting storyline, fabulous characters, and beautiful artwork. I've only read the first volume and already I'm hooked and engrossed into the storyline. I really can't wait to see what unfolds between Matsuri, Andou, and Watanuki. The only thing I'm sure of, is that what ever does happen, it's going to be comlicated. And what can you expect when you're trying to protect so many secrets in order to keep safe the dreams of yourself and those you know? This is definitely one you should check out if you haven't.