Mangaka: Ukyou Ayane
Volumes: 10 (complete)
Genre: Comedy, Shoujo, Romance
Summary: "Iizuka Sono just transferred to a new school where the reigning oddballs have their own club called "BxB Brothers" ("B" for "Baka" = "Idiot"). According to them, you make your life meaningful by doing things out of the ordinary. While Kazuhisa and Kei aren't too selective about membership, Katsumi is -- so it's just the three of them... Until Sono strikes Katsumi as an admirably unusual person, and he coerces her into becoming a Brother! The more Sono learns about the Brothership and Katsumi, the more pride she takes in being a Brother, but being the only BxB Sister has its problems. Caught between the open affection of Kazuhisa and the reserved admiration of Katsumi (with Kei taking school-wide bets on the side), all while struggling to register the club officially, it's a BxB Triangle that constantly takes on new angles!"
This manga happens to be among some of my favorites. It has a really interesting and entertaining storyline. The characters' personalites are fantastic and the artwork is terrific. I have to say, this is probably the only manga in which I find all of the characters charming. I'm really looking forward to the develop of the story and also the relationshi between and the BxB Brothers and also between Sono and Katsumi. This is definitely one I'd check out if you haven't. By the first couple of chapters you'll know whether or not you'll like this one.