Mangaka: Wata Nobu
Volumes: 1
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Mature, Shoujo, Smut, School Life
Summary: "Haruka is a owner of a dog. However the dog is no ordinary dog, he is the wildest boy in her high school. What exactly is their relationship...?"
This definitley has to be one of my favorite manga. One, because of the interesting storyline (I can't wait to read the rest to see how it turns out). Two, the hilarious interactions between Haruka and Kia. Kia happens to be the wildest (and horniest) boy in school and Haruka happens to be the only one that can keep him under control with one simple word: STOP! He freezes for three minutes when that word is said, but only when Haruaka says it. Thirdly, it definitely has awesome artwork. It's fabulously done. Has anyone else checked this one out? And what did you think of it?