Mangaka:Fukushima Haruka
Volumes: 4 (complete)
Genre: Comedy, Romance, School Life, Shoujo
Summary: "Cherry Juice is about Otome and Minami, two step-siblings. Minami is a popular boy who takes cooking at school, and Otome is an average girl who is in love with Minami's best friend. Cherry Juice's main focus is on the love lives of Minami and Otome who are in love with other people...or are they?"
The mangaka of Otona Ni Nuts and Orange Planet brings yet another fabulous storyline to page. This is another manga that is among my favorites. And also one of my favorite mangakas (I love Orange Planet). If you loved either Otona Ni Nuts or Orange Planet (or both) this is a manga you definitely need to also check out. And if you haven't read the others, you still should read Cherry Juice (and also check out her other works). Cherry Juice, like all of Fukushima's other works, still has the fabulous art that just has you competely charmed by it.. and the interesting storyline you're not quite sure how it will unfold and end. And I'm really interested on how everything pans out between Otome and Minami.. I can't wait to finish this one.